Friday, April 10, 2020


Hiiii....guys,am austine from indonesia,i live in pekanbaru city.
pekanbaru city is the best place with the culture of Malay which is still well preserved.

pekanbaru has several traditional Malay places that are very interesting and historic.


 Riau's first traditional house, Balai Salaso Jatuh. The name is indeed quite unique, but the function of this house is very important. Balai Salaso Jatuh not made as a residence, but a place for deliberations or meetings of Riau's indigenous people. The building inside has various names according to its function, such as the Balairung Sari, the Coronation Hall, the Density Hall and others.

Nama Rumah Adat Riau Beserta Gambar dan Penjelasannyasaloso hall pekanbaru riau city

2.Rumah Melayu Atap Lontik/Lontik Roofing Malay HouseThe Lontik Roof Malay House

commonly called the Lancang or Pencalang House, is the home of the Malays in Lima Koto, Riau. Called design and designer because the shape of the wall decoration like a boat or pencalang. Because it is usually erected on the edge of a river, the shape of the building is in the form of a house on stilts to avoid flooding or wild animal attacks.

Melihat Keunikan dan Keindahan 5 Rumah Adat Riau


3.RUMAH Melayu Lipat Kajang / The Folding Malay House of Kajang  
Because it resembles the shape of a boat, it is called Rumah Melayu Lipat Kajang. The steep form of the roof, which is calledipat Kajang, can make it easier for rain to fall. Along with the development of the times and the increasingly widespread concept of modern architectural buildings, this traditional house is rarely found or even no longer used by the people of Riau.
Melihat Keunikan dan Keindahan 5 Rumah Adat Riau 
The Folding Malay House of Kajang

4. Rumah Melayu Atap Limas Potong / Limas Potong Malay Roof House.

The Limas Potong Malay Roof House is a traditional house that is often used by the majority of Riau people. This house has a roof shape like a truncated pyramid building. The building is a stilt house with a height of about 1.5 meters. In addition, this building is made entirely of wood or boards. The wealthier the owner of the house, the greater the shape of the house.
Melihat Keunikan dan Keindahan 5 Rumah Adat Riau

                                                          LIMAS POTONG MALAY ROOF HOUSE

5. Rumah Adat Riau Selaso Jatuh Kembar /Riau Selaso Traditional House Falls in      Twins
The name of the Riau traditional house next is the twin fallen cellar house has been established by the Governor of Riau named Imam Munandar as one of the official traditional houses of Riau province. This traditional house has even become an icon and symbol for Riau Province.
gambar rumah adat riau                                     RIAU SELASO TRADITIONAL HOUSE FALLS IN TWINS
That is the name of the 5 traditional Riau houses and their pictures. Which buildings do you know about? Hopefully useful and can increase your knowledge about culture in Indonesia.
thank you for watching my blog...Austine blogger. see you...

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