Saturday, April 18, 2020


Hi..friends, Today l will write about a story from the Chinese proverb with the title :
                                 WHILE RIDING A HORSE LOOKING AT FLOWERS
                                                    走马看花 Zǒu mǎ kàn huā

ZOU MA KAN HUA means :someone who gets superficial knowledge only through a little glance / information obtained.

     once upon a time in the past there was a young man named Gui Liang. Because of his limp legs,he had difficulty finding a wife. This made him anxious worried so he asked the help of his friend named Hua Han to introduce him to a girl.

    Concidentally,Hua Han knew a girl who was very beautiful, but his nose grow imperfectly and tilted to the right.That girl with Ye Qing's temperament. 'if I bring them together in a clear manner, I'm afraid that it won't work,'said Hua Han inwardly, after thinking for a long time he finally came up with a very unique idea.

    Hua Han roused to meet Gui Liang and asked him to ride a horse past Ye Qing's house.that way he could see the girl. On the other hand, Hua Han quietly asked Ye Qing to stand in front of the house while holding and kissing a rose as Gui Liang passed by his house.

     On the appointed day, Gui Liang passed Ye Qing's home on horseback. Ye Qingcaught a glimpse of Gui Liang being so handsome and dashing while riding a horse.At the same time Ye Qing fell in love  and was willing to marry Gui Liang. Likewise with Gui Liang when she saw Ye Qing whose eyes,Ye Qing looked so beautiful and elegant.And like Ye Qing,Gui Liang immediately fell In love

    The first impression was so beautyful that they immediately told Hua Han about their willingness to become husband and wife. Soon they were married.

    On the wedding night, When the guest had left,Gui LIang immediately entered the room.impatienly he opened his wife's veil. But what he saw was very surprising.Apparently his wife's nose tilted to the right. No different from Ye Qing ;When the veil was opened, he was very surprised that Gui Liang's legs were limping.
   Deciding or doing something based only on fleeting information without evaluating and checking can cause you to make a wrong decision, Which in turn can have fatal consequences.

* iN the old days the bride wears a veil that covers her head  and face A new husband may open it on the wedding night,Because marriages in ancient times are generally by parents, it is not surprising that a husband has never seen his wife until the wedding night.

I hope this article will be useful for us and so will l greet you from my Austine Blogger
see you in the next article.........thank you ......

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